Cape Breton Dragway Webpage
300 Washplant Road, Sydney, NS B1P 6G9
June 20th Test & Tune will begin at 5:00pm
July 11th Test & Tune will begin at 2:00pm
August 8th Test & Tune will begin at 5:00pm
August 28th Test & Tune will begin at 2:00pm
September 12th Test and Tune will begin at 5:00pm
Click above link or scan the QR Code below
Please sign the insurance waiver below and keep a copy on your phone.
Cape Breton Dragway / ADRA CLASSES
Jr Dragster
Junior car with guardian
ET Breaks
1/8 mile
7.59 &
5.69 to
7.59 &
All ETs run
All ETs run
Max ET 9.00
**If you participate in more than one class you must pay entry fees for each class.**
ET Breaks
1/8 mile
5.70 (.400 tree)
6.30 (.500 tree)
6.90 (.500 tree)
**If you participate in more than one class you must pay entry fees for each class.**
Special Event Weekends also include Pro/Tree, Stock/Superstock and Top Sportsman/Top Dragster
All drivers and crew members must sign a waiver - click the link below to open the form
We are at the former DEVCO wash plant facility on Grand Lake Road close to Sydney,
Glace Bay and New Waterford, and a short drive
from North Sydney and Sydney Mines. We are about 400 Km. / 250 Mi. from
Halifax and a ferry ride away from Newfoundland.
Finding Cape Breton Dragway
Cape Breton Dragway Track Officials
Race Director -- Gary Pozzebon Starter -- Dave MacMillan
Announcers -- Ron Desveaux, Doug Desveaux
Data Entry -- Dave Babin, Gerard Bryden
Starting Line Crew -- Tommy Hogan, David MacMillan,
Kevin Burke, Kevin Sampson, Chris MacDonald
Staging Lanes -- Kevin Cann
Gate/Registration -- Patricia Pozzebon, Becky Pozzebon
Construction/Maintenance - Kevin MacNeil, Don Phillips, Tony MacNeil,
J.D.Muggah, Chris Pozzebon, Tom AuCoin
Gates and Tech Inspection open 4:00 PM
(12:00 noon on 3 day race weekends)
Time trials till dusk - $30 Car and Driver - Spectators $5
Helmet, long pants and shoes minimum requirement for street cars.
NO shorts, sandals or flip flops allowed.
Racer Entry Fees will ONLY be refunded under the following condition:
Racer Entry fees will ONLY be refunded if your car fails the technical inspection
and cannot be made suitable to pass tech.
Pets welcome but must be on leashes and please clean up after them.
Garbage cans are on site.
Cape Breton Dragway
(See Race Dates above)
Regular Events Friday Evening (Test and Tune)
Gates and Tech Inspection open 4:00 PM
Time trials till dusk
$30 Car and Driver - Spectators $5
*Special Event Fridays, (NHRA & ADRA Events only)
Gates and Tech Inspection open 12:00 NOON
Time Trials / Test and Tune all day starting 1:00 PM
Tech Inspection closes at 5:00 PM*
Gates and Tech Inspection open 8:00AM
Time Trials 9:00AM-Noon and 12:30PM-4PM*
Tech Inspection closes at 5:00 PM*
Box/No Box Gamblers
Races start 4:00PM
Gates and Tech Inspection open 8:00AM
Tech Inspection closes at 11:00AM
Time Trials 8:30AM - 12:30PM*
Eliminations all classes - 1:00PM*
Times subject to change without notice due to weather conditions or other factors*
**Classes and or Vehicles can be switched due to breakage or failure to meet MINIMUM ET
for the class. NOTE!! Show and/or Round Points can only be claimed in one class unless you have
paid entry fees for both classes. Any vehicle substituted for a broken race car in a faster class must have
the minimum ET for the class posted as a dial-in on the window. (Example: S/Pro-7.59 / Pro-8.65)
Any class changes must be approved by track officials and noted in the Qualifying Sheet.
Entry Fees will ONLY be refunded under the following condition:
Your car fails tech inspection and cannot be made suitable to pass tech.
Pets welcome but must be on leashes and please clean up after them.
Garbage cans are on site.
CB Dragway Points Series
All tech inspected entries will be entered in the points series.
(No cost to anybody)
All 4 races count towards year end points.
(Gamblers races are not included)
Show points will be awarded to those who have completed tech. If you did not make it to tech (breakage or rain),
it is your responsibility to advise either the tech guy or Tony Mac Neil by the end of the day on Sunday.
Points will be awarded as follows:
20 Show points (teched)
3 points for #1 qualifier - 2 points for #2 - 1 point for #3
10 points for each round win
+1 point for 3rd Place
+2 points for 2nd Place
+3 points for 1st Place
Points will be awarded to all completed rounds.
Ties will be broken by taking racers best 3 races, best 2 races, best race or the highest avg. qualifier.
Top 8 racers in Super Pro, Top 6 racers in Pro, Top 4 racers in Bike/Sled, Street & Jr Dragster
Will represent Team CB at the ADRA Team Race.
Located at the former DEVCO Wash Plant - Victoria Junction
Operated by Members of the
Cape Breton Drag racing Association
This page designed and hosted by MARITIMEDRAGRACING.COM(C) - All information is provided by
the executive of the CBDRA and is subject to change without notice.